Choices is pleased to announce our latest release, "A School of Their Own".
In remote Nepal, the Riverside School is a unique educational environment that educates low-caste and tribal children, half of whom are girls. There, children flourish in an environment free of the caste system, gender prejudice, and violence found in government schools - and in their society at large. Follow the school’s struggle to stay afloat during the bloody ten-year civil war in which children are caught in the middle. The police accuse them of being Maoist rebels while the rebels themselves forcibly draft children over twelve years old into their army. Though Nepal is currently enjoying a tenuous peace, the future is uncertain. Through in-depth interviews and stunning footage, A School of Their Own shows how children, even in the most extreme circumstances, can lead a nation to a better future.
Choices will release the DVD on November 28th, 2006. Price will be $99.95. DVD will include photo gallery, director's statement and guidebook. Learn more about the film here.